Hany n Nabiel

Monday, February 19, 2007

This month

Kali ini giliran Hany yang di manja. Kita pergi ke Secaucus di New Jersey beli baju2 buat Hany and Papa then, pergi ke Kid's World nya Toys'r us. Di sini kita beli the most important thing for Hany, i.e. toddler seat.

Btw, kita juga mbeliin si cantik kami ini laugh and learn "Learning Home" yang besar, namun begitu si Hany tetp aja PD mo mbawa sendiri mainannya...lihat nih.

Oh ya, kita juga diundang ke ulang tahun Kak L anaknya "wak I" di Hotel Sheraton di Flushing, Queens. Nah ini ada rombongan ibu2 berseragam merah, nampang dulu ah...Si Hany juga ga mau kalah, gaya di depan piano. "Tengok Ma, Hany bisa nih main piano, nanti kalau udah 2 tahun les piano ya Ma," hehehehe gaya kali kau Nak....

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

calon adeknya Hany

Ini pic sonogramnya calon adek Hany. Alhamdulillah, lengkap semuanya tidak kurang apapun. mama yang di periksa sempat ketiduran di kursi, mata ini ga sanggup untuk diajak meneliti calon si adek. jadinya sambil menjaga mata supaya ga nutup, kepala Mama jadi pusing dan akhirnya hehehehe ketiduran. Perinatalnya bilang, "hehehe ketiduran yah 'dulu aku juga kayak gitu, tiba2 aja dah ketiduran." Padahal Ibu itu belum tahu kalau Mama ga bisa tidur tiap malam.

Si hany sih udah pandai mangil2 adeknya sambil nyiumi perut mama, dia bilang "dedek dedek..." hehe kayak dah ngerti aja dia. tapi emang si hany tumbuh cepat kok, belum 9 bulan dah biosa berdiri sendiri, dah ngesot kemana2 sampai waktu di tinggal sendirian di kamar dia nyusul Mama ke dapur sambil mewek hehehehe.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

hany and stand alone action

Hany di usianya yang hampir 9 bulan , udah bisa berdiri sambil pegangan. Kalau sudah berdiri, gayanya udah kayak yang pro banget. Sambil teriak2 hey....cu cu o ce ce yu yuyu xwz ...dia dengan bangganya berdiri sambil pegangan di setiap benda yang bisa membuatnya tegak berdiri.

Nah tempat favoritnya sih baby gym nya yang sekarang sudah jadi tempat ngumpulin mainannya yang seabrek. kalau sudah di taruh di karpet, mulailah dia beraksi. Tiba2 aja udah berdiri, terus manggil2, mungkin maksudnya mo bilang "Mama, liat nih Hany udah bsia berdiri sendiri, Mamaaaaa, Mamaaaaaaaaaaa..." Hehehe dasar Mamanya yang pura2 aja, biar dia berani.

Soalnya kalau sudah berdiri, Hany ketakutan mau duduk, so sambil gemetaran dan nangis ketakutan dia mulailah memanggil2 Mama. Btw, selamat ya nak, ga papa, jatuh bangun itu soal biasa...oh ya satu lagi, hany juga udah bisa merayap hehehe yup merayap bukan merangkak.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

image baru

I cannot take my hand off your picure. Ini image blog yang baru. Isengnya dah dari dulu, tapi baru hari ini kesampaian. ga sampe 30 minutes, dah jadi, cuma klik sana sini jadilah yang baru.

I am back using photobucket web hosting, untung masih tau paswordnya. ternyata pic yang dulu masih banyak dan tersimpan dengan rapi, syukurlah.

Imagenya still using Hany as the model. Namanya juga anak, masih terus dikagumi pertumbuhannya. Oh ya, itu pic Hany wajahnya samping kiri kanan dari mulutnya, kemerah2an, masih bingung apakah alergi makanan atau dingin atau panasnya heater. Padahal selain ngidupin additional heater, kita juga ngidupin humidifier dan ionizer, so kenapa sih pipimu sayang?

Friday, February 02, 2007

Just be aware of my Hany

Talking about Hany will not stop Mama from admiring this little angel. Recently, she can move herself by dragging, yeah, draging - not crawling, her body towards the things she want to taste, yeah taste, because everything will be straight to her mouth, to be licked. One day, Mama left her alone in the room. That day was the day to cook meal. After may be 3 days without cooking any food, just eating the left-over from the last cooking, she planned to fry the fish (gosshhh, a week old in the fridge), and stir fry 4 veggies mixed with shrimp and simple spices ( whatelse, pearl onion, garlic and 'lil bit of white pepper).

After waking up from her sleep in the morning, first thing is changing her wet and stinky diaper. Sing a song for a while and put her in front of TV and tune in to channel 123 (Noggin). Then, Little Bear will be showing up followed by his friends (Miss Spider, Wonder Pets, The Up side Down Show, The Backyardigans, Dora the Exploreer and so on, and so on). Then Mama will go to the kitchen, to wash her bottles, boil water and toast the bread. That's our daily activities. In about 20 minutes, Mama will be ready to feed her lil Hany with cereal and her favourite Gerber sauce, Number 2 Sweet patatoes, organic or non. Hany lovessssss that. She will be seating in her rocking chair and open her mouth widely.

However that day, because Mama planned to cook meal first, she stayed longer in the kitchen preparing the ingredients. She took out the fish from the fridge and rinsed it under warm water (you should remember not to defrost kind of fish in the microwave, you will cook the fish). She also took out the veggies and washed them. She cut the Shiitake mushroom first, coz she lovessss it (who wants to know hehehe), then cut the carrot into small pieces, matches like, cut the cauliflower, washed the spinach (eventhough it has been washed for 3 times, that they said in the plastic wrapper), defrosted the bean sprout (whatttt, yeah she put it in the fridge along with meat and fish product, oh yeah so it wo'n't get spoil soon darling hehehe). Thennnn she realized that she left Hany for along time without checking the voice. Hmmm no voice means no good. So, she called Hany, and no answer ( yup , Hany can answer by yelling some unidentified words), so Mama ran to see what was happening with her, then what she saw was struck her by heart, Hany was there eating something from the back of CPU computer, a wire, and the computer was on. Allahuakbar, Mama screamed and pulled her back to the mate and started grabbing her mouth to clean every microschopic things in Hany's mouth. Mama checked the wire while mourning and said sorry for her unawareness. She was more regret when she saw her sandals (made with shreded bambo) were also there near the CPU computer, wet and slappy, Oh Hany she must chew it.

Mama was so shock with what just happened. So, she decided to stay with Hany for a longer time, fed her breakfast as usual and played with her, so that it could erased her guiltiness just aaaaaaaaaaa liltle bit.

Sakinah Mawaddah Wa rahmah, Marjo's family
Daisypath Ticker